Search Engine Optimisation Services for Luxury Brands

Our search engine optimisation services are designed to do two things: Increase the quality of traffic to the branded digital property, and convert more of those visitors into sales, bookings, inquiries or leads.

Search Engine Optimisation or SEO is still about link-building and making small changes to a website to secure higher search engine positions. But it’s also about making sure the website follows all the search engine guidelines and that key user experience requirements are followed so that web-visitors want to transact with your brand.

SEO changes impact positively across every other channel used to create revenue at the hotel.

For our luxury hospitality brands as much as 40% of all their online revenue comes from zero-cost free organic traffic. They spend less on paid-advertising channels but convert twice the business of competitors. When our Head of SEO started working, Google had not yet been launched.

Why should luxury brands invest in our search engine optimisation services?


SEO as much as 40% of your online revenue

Organic traffic accounts for anywhere between 20% and 40% of all online revenue. If you’re not seeing these kinds of numbers in Google Analytics, then something is wrong with your current SEO strategy. Not investing in SEO means a brand has to rely more and more on paid-advertising channels to deliver online revenues, reducing a luxury brands profit margins.


SEO improves revenue everywhere

Search engine optimisation is the only activity that truly analyses the customer journey, looking at the steps they have to go through to book or transact, and highlighting any problems and fixing them to reduce friction and increase conversion. Because of this once we begin analysing and improving the customer journey through SEO, the benefits are seen in terms of more conversion volumes across all the other online revenue channels the being used.

SEO delivers higher value sales revenues

We see from our own clients using the SEO services long-term, that organic traffic delivers reservations with a higher price tag and in greater volumes than other traffic channels. Compared to paid, social, direct and referral channels, organic traffic, optimised via the SEO service, is still the cheapest way for hotels to get bookings.


SEO keeps your website healthy

Search engines would prefer it if businesses didn’t use SEO services at all. They have a range of paid-advertising solutions to offer them instead. To make SEO less attractive search engines continually issue rules to limit as much as possible the ability of a luxury brand to get free traffic. SEO keeps your digital presence up-to-date with these guidelines and means that you' won’t wake up one-day to find that your brand has dropped out of the search indexes completely.


Our search engine optimisation services are specially designed to help luxury brands maximise the main points above and they form an essential part of our core service and contribute to the success of a brands digital marketing strategy.

To find out how our search engine optimisation service contributes to the success of our clients, you can schedule a call below, or get in touch using our contact form.

We look forward to helping your luxury brand achieve more with an effective focused search engine optimisation service.